
Patty Brown
2 min readApr 8, 2023


i listen to a bird sing

and it is pouring down rain

i lie in bed and listen

waiting for the roof to go quiet

and then i will climb out of bed

and listen for earth worms

and green leaves breaking ground

purple petals waiting for the sun

and then i remember where i stand

and think how foolish i am

i remember last night

on the tv

on the the internet

they flash no character

across the screen

all the hate

the bad deeds

it is so hard to be heard

in this grossly broken

manufactured world

as evil eats up its prey

and finds pleasure in its own decay

why do they love it this way

i look out the window

the sky is gray

the water spouts drip

and i am alive

i will resist

good will persist

kindness will insist

and we will sing in the end

love can begin again

a chorus from the garden

every flower grows

every shape

every hue

and the windows will open

hearts too

we will call it easter

we will see the light

i will see you

you will see me

we will lament our past

we will come out of our cocoons

we will become new

we will open our arms

and whisper

peace at last

~ patty brown

art -”after rain painting”

by smona vojteskova



Patty Brown

If life steers you into a dead end road, and you are trying to find your way, skip the GPS, take the road with no traffic. Founder studiO, early morning poet.