first flight

Patty Brown
Feb 25, 2021

i long to take off

not plant and wither

it is in our bloom

to create something new

seeds blowing into spring

to love an idea

nurture it

in the winds of change

innovations of the mind

launched like a kite

and when conditions are right

watch it soar on

into the night

holding the string

give and take

not too tight

a flow of failures

then to go

the velocity of a whim

taking off

into the unknown

but intricately felt

in the synchronicity of time

unraveling the mystery

of imperfect scale

or perfect fail

like a kite struggling

in clashing sea breezes

its perfectly designed tail

stabilizing the launch

the weighted

awaited first flight

— -patty




Patty Brown

If life steers you into a dead end road, and you are trying to find your way, skip the GPS, take the road with no traffic. Founder studiO, early morning poet.