
Patty Brown
Nov 28, 2021


it was never supposed to happen to me

the perfect world

that some people know

so very well

maybe for me

it was the imperfect world

where i have no idea

where i will be

so i watch people

as they move through life

everything has a shelf

a drawer

a closet

a door

the way the moon

falls across their bedroom floor

there is an expectation

like spring before summer

daffodils before dahlias

the seasons of my life

are a blur

of whimsy and not enough

of a grief

a yearning

to feel extraordinary

in another’s touch

in the gaze of here

is all their is

a perfect place

for love and grace

an imperfect me

in this human race

~ patty

photo- @ctt956



Patty Brown

If life steers you into a dead end road, and you are trying to find your way, skip the GPS, take the road with no traffic. Founder studiO, early morning poet.