
Patty Brown
2 min readSep 2, 2022

i am a magician

i. play tricks with my energy

i wake up tired and blue

and in a blink

i might feel joy

privileged to just be here

i look into a strangers eyes

wondering what i might find

will I pull them inside

into my field of sublime

or stand back

wondering if they will look away

or maybe

just maybe

the current of us

will feel the instant rush

the spark

the electricity

all we never see

only feel

is it possible

to just sense

so intimately

the miracle of aware

to care

to trust

In that temporary place

where we adjust our magic to must

because we feel so differently in knowing

there is a pulse that moves inside us

the erratic beating of our hearts



Patty Brown

If life steers you into a dead end road, and you are trying to find your way, skip the GPS, take the road with no traffic. Founder studiO, early morning poet.