
Patty Brown
Apr 28, 2021

all the reasons

of our madness

the way we defend

our cruelty

how we walk away

and never look back

at our trails of destruction

the way we trample weeds

and poison gardens

shatter hearts

and starve the hopeful

our betrayal to all that matters

for a lie we created

a manufactured road to arrival

that never ends

just narrows

into the horizon

to a tiny point

a speck

in the universe

and in the scheme of things

all specks are the same

just a blur of color

on a spinning sea of blue


humbles us

and humility

begs us to look back

sun in our eyes

colors of the rainbow

us and them

salt to salt

dust to dust

all that remains of us

— patty

artist david galchutt



Patty Brown

If life steers you into a dead end road, and you are trying to find your way, skip the GPS, take the road with no traffic. Founder studiO, early morning poet.