Today is Tuesday, June 26, 2018;

Patty Brown
4 min readJun 26, 2018


This is what I am thinking about this morning…

Do you ever wonder what it would be like if our kids thought about their educational journeys like tapestries instead of transcripts? Tapestries tell a story. Look at these beautiful tapestries found on @Pinterest…

Obviously we cannot expect something this intricate and beautiful about students, but certainly we cannot set expectations so low. Each educational journey is unique. There are ebbs and flows as a students evolve. I hope you keep this in mind as I turn this into reality with the EASY. Watch for us

The problem with transcripts is they are put together by a variety of teachers and school personnel. Students have no input on their own personal journey. With bias and subjective input, how accurate is the transcript? It may be a great picture of how many different people view a student and how well a student tests, but it does not tell a student’s story.

For student journeys to improve, educators must be willing to leave the shore. The time is now to reinvent education in K-12 and in higher ed to prepare students for the future, not continually returning to the past.

Maybe we should think of students as artists. As they grow up, their portrait changes. They are continually updating their canvases. Artist see what others do not see. That is exactly the mindset needed for the future.

We have cut funding for the Arts in public schools. Sadly, some states have eliminated all funding. Ironically, it is the Arts that encourage students to self express, rather than regurgitate facts. If we focus only on what is already known, we will cultivate students who can not discover the unknown.

These wonderful pieces of art from @ Pinterest, showcase the talents of students when they are presented with a blank canvas. The self expression of music, dance, and theater boosts self expression and self confidence.

Yes…”sets souls on fire!”

We need to rethink education. Today.

Every student an artist. Education is an endeavor of self discovery and self expression, a journey to purpose.

Celebrate the uniqueness in every child. It is there we find the magic in every student.

Every student should hear this daily. How a student is wired determines their future success. It is not the weaknesses we should focus on, but the gifts.

In closing a happy birthday to a favorite creative, Eric Karl. He authored books for children that made kids look at things with new eyes.

On this Tuesday, look upwards and with a new perspective. Have a beautiful day!

Most photos are from Pinterest. I celebrate the unique work of creatives💫



Patty Brown

If life steers you into a dead end road, and you are trying to find your way, skip the GPS, take the road with no traffic. Founder studiO, early morning poet.